Dental Implant Course – Everything You Need To Know

Dental implant course is one of the fastest growing branches of dentistry. However, it is not included in the general dental course. You will need to choose a specific dental training course. Also, you must stay up to date with the latest techniques. In order to succeed in dental implantology, you need high-quality specific post-graduation level of training.

The Perfect Course for You

When it comes to which course is right for you, you must identify what you want to achieve. As there is a vast range of dental courses in India, you should carefully consider the course that will help you meet your learning objectives. Have a look at the course structure, the outcomes, and the aim of the course. Additionally, you can also search for dental implant courses in India on the internet. Choose the course which has more practical than theory. This might sound weird but in the end, you have to deal with real patients and you can Google anytime for theory.

The Perfect Training Mentors

Training provider plays an important role in the learning experience. Some courses require vast experience in the field, and if the academics are run by a freshly pass out, it might not be a good idea to join there as without enough experience they won’t be able to teach you about failures. Always make a decision by giving priority to the best learning experience and not to your comfort zone.

Focus on the number of years of experience your trainer has. A mentor with a graduate & post-graduate degree who has done more than 1000 oral implants or has 10-15+ years of experience can teach you more about failures than a mentor with a degree who has done 100-200 oral implants.


A dental implant requires a combination of knowledge and skill. If you’re looking for a dental implant course in Delhi, Dr. Bhutani offers a wide range of dental training courses. The courses are taught by India’s 5 most renowned doctors and hence the theory part is kept limited and the emphasis is laid on to the practical training. You will be given patients from Day 1 of the courses, an excellent student-teacher ratio is maintained.